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Monday 17 December 2012

The Therapy Zone

    When you dream, genuinely speaking, you put people you either know or have met before.  So during No.6's dream during the episode of  A B & C, which appears before Many Happy Returns in the series screening order, how is No.6 able to place Mrs. Butterworth-No.2, whom he had not met before, in his dream?
    "No.6. I just know it's your lucky number" the woman tells the Prisoner in his dram at the Roulette table. So if the woman didn't know that his number is 6, how did she know? Unless the Prisoner was putting words in her mouth!

No.7's It Doesn't Really Mean Anything!
    There are those who would have you believe that there are a number of hidden meanings within the 17 episode series of ‘the Prisoner.’ I can assure you there are none, as I've looked and found the series wanting in any such so called hidden meanings. However what does intrigue me, is the fact that certain fans of ‘the Prisoner’ series are of the opinion that during the hectic production of the series, that there had been time enough so as to insert any such hidden meanings in the first place!


The State Of The Village Uniform
   You might be forgiven for thinking that No.6 here, pictured on the day of his discharge from hospital, that he's dressed more for school or the Henley boating Regatta, than as a prisoner incarcerated in a prison. Because make no mistake, and dress it up all you like, the village is nothing more than a picturesque prison. And all its citizens are prisoners, and only those of use to the Villlage administration, and those lucky enough, are permitted to leave the village.
   At first glance it must seem that there is no uniform worn in the village, as most citizens are dressed for a holiday camp by the sea, rather than as prisoners. But then if you look more closely all the citizens are wearing the same style of colourful clothing. Even No.2 wears a uniform, with each male No.2 wearing grey slacks, deck shoes, polo neck jersey and either a single or Double breasted plain blazer. Only the new No.2 of Arrival wears the same style of clothes as No.6. and the out-going No.2 of Free For All wears a dove-grey jacket with cuffs at the end of the sleeves. The female contingent of No.2's have a more freer code of dress, as No.2 of ‘Many Happy Returns’ wears a blue and white diamond dress. But No.2 of Dance of the Dead is more masculine, and wears much the same as her male predecessors, minus blazer.
   All the doctors, nurses, and male orderlies have their own uniform. Of course there are exceptions where the females wear skirts and white flat slip-on shoes instead of deck shoes. All the gardeners, electricians, motor mechanics, and painters all wear dove-grey overalls. And members of the villages administration all wear black clothes and Top Hats, even members of the Committee wear black Top Hats, but mix it with their grey slacks and striped jerseys. And the labour Exchange manager appears very business like, but so as to retain a certain individualistic look, he wears a grey tailed coat, and a grey Top Hat sits upon his desk.
  So no matter what department of village administration a citizen works for, that department has it's own peculiar style of uniform, and the citizens their own, prisoner and warders alike.

Be seeing you

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