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Friday 21 September 2018

Vote For 6 And He’ll Be Ever So Comfortee!

    Yes Number 6 wanted the citizens vote, so that he could be co-opted onto the town council. But he had to be elected as the new Number 2 first. Mind you did he really want to become one of those brainwashed imbeciles who stood on the council at the time of its disillusionment? Only ex-Number 2’s can be town councillors, well they aren’t that important anymore, yes they retain their number 2 but its subdivided. Obviously these Number 2’s who stand on the council are failed 2’s who were not permitted to leave The Village. Either that or they weren’t reabsorbed back into administration! I tell you what, Number 6 wouldn’t have been feeling so comfortee had he been co-opted on the town council, he wouldn’t have been feeling anything much at all! Look at him, can he laugh, can he cry, can he think? In his head there must be the remnant of a brain, in his heart there must be the desire to be a human being again...... that was a lucky escape for Number 6. After all he hadn’t turned out to be much of a Number 2 at all. Talk about Chairman of The Village, the man couldn’t organize a booze up in the Cat and Mouse! Lucky for Number 6 the tissue wasn’t damaged, only bruised a bit!

Be seeing you

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