Monday 20 December 2010

Thought For The Day

    In the episode It's Your Funeral, the plan was to assassinate/execute the retiring No.2, who had about his neck the Great Seal of Office which was worn at all official ceremonies. A replica of the Greal Seal had been made by the Watchmaker-No.51, and the explosive was to be detonated by radio as the Great Seal hung about No.2's head and shoulders as he stood on the balcony giving an address to the good citizens of the community. But it wasn't, and as the new No.2 hurredly gave his speech to the gathered citizens he was sweating that the explosive should be detonated whilst the Great Seal hung about his head and shoulders. But surely it would not have mattered whose head and shoulders the Great Seal of Office hung. For as the explosive was detonated the bomb would have killed more people standing on the balcony, and think of the blood, bone, and gore which would have been spread over those who might have survived the explosion!
Be seeing you

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