Thursday 16 December 2010

What's That No.6 Up To?

The Village Welcomes Home It's Seafaring Son
The Amis Reunis/stone boat, pictured above, returned to her home port today to a huge reception organised by No.2 himself. People cheered, the Brass band played, to welcome home one of the village's seafaring hero's having completed the round the world yacht race in just 69 days. No.6 adressed the gathered crowd who had gathered along the quayside. "It is good to return to my home" said No.6 from the top of the forecabin, "The Amis Reunis is good in any weather, and to have broken the round the world, single-handed yacht race has been an ordeal. But I did it for the village and it's fine community. It is a pity that my old friend the Admiral-Number Sixty-six could not have been with me as I sailed around the Horn. But he is here today, to witness my home coming, and I hope I have made him proud."
    The Amis Reunis will remian moored at the quayside as a memorial to No.6's achievement. It is highly unlikely that she will actually put to sea ever agin, except in the imagination of those who put to sea in her!
Reporter No.113
         Photographer No.113b

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