Thursday 13 January 2011

Fall Out

   It has been said that No.6 and his confederates blast away with their machine guns at members of the Assmebly. This is incorrect, as the only people killed during the fire-fight during the episode of Fall Out, are the armed security guards, which in itself seems quite phonomenal, when you see all those people dashing in all directions in that cavern!
   Also in Fall Out, it is said that No.6 destroys the village with the aid of the rocket, and is carryying out the promise he made to No.2 during The Chimes of Big Ben "I'm going to escape and come back" promised No.6 "Escape and come back, destroy this place. Wipe it off the face of the Earth and you with it!" Well it's ironic that the man to whom No,6 had made that pledge, now helps No.6 bring down the village from within. But the village is not destroyed, and here is no evidence that the village was destroyed, only the launching of a rocket...a rocket, and not a missile.
Be seeing you.

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