Sunday 16 January 2011

Kill...... Kill...... Kill

    During Once Upon A Time, No.2 orders No.6 to "kill" him with his fencing foil. The protective button breaks away from the tip of the sword and No.6 lunges at No.2, the sword penetrating his shoulder. But No.6 still can't do it, he won't step over the threshold because he's scared! His resignation was cowardice wasn't it?
   In Living In Harmony we observe No.6, in the guise of a U.S. Sheriff handing in both his badge and gun to a U.S.Marshal. So why did he resign? Perhaps the Sheriff was fed up with putting his life on the line each and every day, when a gun slinger rides into town looking to make a name for himself, someone like the Kid who the Sheriff finally had to stand against and gun down in the street. Perhaps the Sheriff simply became sick of all the killing!
   In Danger Man John Drake never carried a gun, he was against killing, and killed only as a last resort. It would seem that John Drake and the Prisoner-No.6 have much more in common than we might at first think.

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