Wednesday 26 January 2011

No.6 Attempts New Water Speed Record! by our own reporter

Looking at this photograph one could be forgiven for thinking that No.6 is attempting to escape the village by boat. Well you would be wrong. For our intrepid villageer is attempting to set a new water speed record. The boat, Seagull II is being monitored by the support helicopter should anything go wrong.
No.6, along with his two trusted mechanics, worked through the night and into the morning to get the boat ready, after yesterdays accident. No.6 was speeding away at a fast rate of knots, when the boat smashed into something floating in the water, over turning the boat, damaging part of the hull and flooding the gas turbine engine.                                                                                                                                    
This will be the first of two mile and a quarter runs, and the average speed worked out from the two runs. That average speed of the two timed runs must be greater than 320 MPH. I spoke to No.6 before the attempt, and No.6 said he was confident of breaking out, breaking the water speed record. Unfortunately as No.6 steered Seagull II round for the second run, the boat hit it's own wake and flipped Seagull II over, and dumping No.6 into the water. Thus ending the attempt. I spoke to No,6 who told me that he was                 disappointed, but that he would not be giving up. His next attempt at a world record will be that of altitude, the highest 'manned' Balloon flight!                                                                                                           
Reporter No.113
Photographer No.113b

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