Friday 28 January 2011

Village Observation

     There are two types of badges worn by citizens in the village. One of a white background badge, with a black canopied Penny Farthing and red numeral, and the second with a black background, with a white canopied Penny Farthing, and a red numeral - the negative and possitive as I term them.
   However there is a third. Pictured here is Mrs Butterworth as the new No.2 in Many Happy Returns. But note the badge pinned to her dress. A 'negative' badge, but with a 'white' numeral 2. As far as I am aware, this is the only badge of it's kind, seen in the entire 17 episode series! The fact of the white numeral 2 makes this badge 'inexplicable!'
I'll be seeing you

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