Saturday 8 January 2011

The Village was Deserted!

    When No.6 woke up on the morning of Many Happy Returns, he did so by finding that there was no water laid on, and no electricity either. In fact when he went out and about the village, everywhere was locked up, and there was not one single soul to be seen - the village was desterted!
   Could it be that everyone, including No.2 had escaped and left No.6 there alone? Had there been an emergency in the night, the village suddenly evacuated and No.6 having somehow been forgotten and left behind? Well No.6 didn't hang about to find out, and after constructing himself a sea-going raft, he set sail for god knows where! But what of the good citizens of the village, where had they gone? Well they hadn't gone anywhere. They were still there in the village, kept heavily sedated all the time No.6 was building his raft, so that no-one would be seen out and about the village. Once No.6 had set sail, the village returned to life. And again, when No.6 was being unceremoniously returned to the village, the night before everyone was once again sedated, so that on the Prisoners return, the village would again be desterted, until it came back, almost instantly, back to life. I mean the village couldn't be evacuated, the population held over in some other place, and then returned back to the village once No.6 had departed. That would have been too much of a logistical probelm for the village administration.
Be seeing you

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