Thursday 24 February 2011

Caught On Camera

1st guard "Okay. Now we've got him surrounded, what are we going to do with him?"
                 2nd guard "Well I'm all in favour of shooting him."                                                     
   3rd guard "What, you mean put him up against a wall and execute him?"                        
   1st guard "Oh I don't think we need go that far."                                                            
               Voice from the back"What you mean shoot him where he sits?"                                                   
                 3rd guard "That doesn't seem very sporting to me!"
                 2nd guard "We could wear blindfolds!"
                 Voice from the back "Who as heard of a firing squad wearing blindfolds? We should put the  
                  blindfold on the Prisoner!"
                 1st guard "Oh we couldn't shoot him. 'Sir' is far to valuable."
                 3rd guard "Well shoot Number forty-eight then. I mean what have we got to lose?"
                 2nd guard "Any last requests Number forty-eight?"
                 No.48 "Yeah! Hey Patrick, get me out of this!"

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