Sunday 27 February 2011

The Chimes of Big Ben

    If Chimes involved a sea voyage to another time zone, how did, you might ask yourself, the tape recording of the chimes of Big Ben coincide exactly with the time of No.6's wrist watch? Well of course the wrist watch did not belong to No.6, he had taken Karels' watch, Nadia's contact man back in the cave, his own having become water logged. The Colonel put the fact that No.6's watch coincided exactly with Big Ben by saying "Perhaps he was slow!" Had Nadias contact man adjusted his watch to Polish time, then there would have been no problem, there being one hours difference between English Greenwich meantime and that of Polish time. However, this question of time in an interesting one, as when resolved, proves that the location of the village is in the same time zone, as the village shares the same time as England.

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