Friday 4 February 2011

It's Inexplicable!

    Free For All - Here's No.6 speaking on the telephone to No.2, who is speaking to No.6 on the telephone, but through the television set.
Which is strange enough, because if No.2 has called No.6 up on the telephone, why the need to talk through the television set? Unless of course this is the very first experimental television visual telephone, a video phone if you prefer. But what's stranger is, that moments after No.6 puts the receiver of the telephone down, the door to his cottage, '6 Private' opens and there, framed in the doorway, is No.2!

The question then is, and one I've not been able to put an answer to, and nor has anyone other fan, only different interpretations, is how did No,.2 appear at the door so quickly? I suppose he could have been calling No.6 from a nearby telephone kiosk. Or seeing as the telephones in the village are all cordless, it is possible to use such telephones like a mobile phone. And so it's possible that No.2 could have been calling No.6 from just around the corner of '6 Private,' and that would explain how it was possible for No.2 to appear at No.6's cottage door so quickly. However it doesn't explain the office background on the television screen, as seen here. Although is a bit fuzzy, has been enlarged from the top picture, the background of the Control Room cannot be denied!                                                                                                      
                              Be seeing you.

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