Monday 21 February 2011

Which Came First?

Free For All, or Dance of the Dead? Because in Free For All No.6 doesn't know where the Town Hall is, but in Dance of the Dead, No.6 follows No.240 to the Town Hall, only he didn't know about the electric force field! Also No.6 appears to be firmly ensconced in the village in Free For All, whereas in Dance of the Dead No.6 says firmly I'm new here! which places Dance of the Dead as an earlier episode than it's episode placement.
    Why am I writing this? Well for years and years there was, and possibly still is, an on-going debate between fans about the screening order of the episodes of the Prisoner. And quite frequently no two redressed screening orders by any two people was ever the same. The only thing to be said of any adjusted screening sequence of the Prisoner episodes, is that it has to commence with Arrival and end with Fall out. Well with one exception - mine. I have the Prisoner commencing with Fall out, because the end of Fall Out is the start of Arrival. There had been a falling out between the village administration and No,6, who having escaped the confines of the village, returned to London, and the first thing he did was set out to hand in his letter of resignation from the village!

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