Sunday 20 March 2011

Caught On Camera

Yestrerday I wrote a piece of blog relating to whatever happened to No.48, who went on to become Lord Etherley in the 1969 film Crossplot. In the opening scene of the film, a white Mini-Moke is seen with a lot of people with balloons being driven over Westminster bridge, from which the above still is taken. I wonder if this is was once a village taxi?
And here, what looks to be a Village taxi, is photographed parked outside the London Hilton Hotel.
In actual fact, the management of the London Hilton Hotel used a Mini-Moke, in what appears to be village style livery, as a taxi, ferrying guests to and from the Hotel. Which is exactly how the management of Portmeirion were able utilise the village taxis, while filming of the Prisoner was going on in September 1966.    Be seeing you.                                                                                                                           

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