Thursday 31 March 2011

Convention Times

   It will soon be time for that annual event, the Prisoner Convention held at Portmeirion, this year, April 8th to 11th. Special guest, and although I'm no longer a member of 6of1 I have to say it's a real coup for the society, is the girl who was death herself, Justine Lord. Justine fell off the radar for years, because soon after the Prisoner, she gave up her acting career to become a school teacher. I always thought, that as the girl who was death, they over did Justines make-up, when many of the actresses in the Prisoner, their make-up was so under done!
   Also at the 'Con'  the video of a film called Resolution will be screened. A film in which Jane Merrow reprises her former role of Alison-No.24 of The Schizoid Man, Alison who is returned to the village some 40 years later. I know nothing more aboutt his film, whether it's a proper professional production, or an amateur film.
   2011 is Six of One's 30th Convention, although I suspect that might not be the case, as I have it in my mind that the 2002 Convention was cancelled due to Portmeirion's double booking for that year. Which would make it the 29th 'Con,' although I could be wrong.
   I'm no longer go to Prisoner Conventions, you have to be a member of 6of1 to do that, but I like to keep my finger on the pulse so to speak, just out of interest.
    2011 also sees Portmeirion's 85th anniversary, so congratulations to them, although I've not been back to Portmeirion since 2003, nor have I felt the need to return there, strange when you couldn't once keep me away from the Italianate village. When I used to stay there every year, it was always like going home, even when stays in Portmeirion would perhaps be a year apart. But to actually stay in Portmeirion......well that's a very expensive thing to do these days.
Be seeing you

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