Sunday 13 March 2011

Map Of Your Village

This first image is of the village in the original series of the Prisoner, and it looks like a village, I mean the size. But as the village such as this must grow, or if people are not allowed to leave, it soon becomes a Town. Here is another Map of Your Village from the 2009 series of THEPRISONER.
As you can see this covers a much larger area, perhaps that's why the Prisoner would need a larger map! But looking at the scale of this, it's not so much a Village as a City. Especially when you consider Two's mantra "Breathe in, breathe out..........More village," along with the daily influx of newcomers to the village. And besides which, this village has a bus service. What size of village needs a bus service to get round it? And this place has it's own holiday resort called "ESCAPE." No, the title of this should be "CITY MAP."
Be seeing you

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