Saturday 5 March 2011

M.S. Polotska

    Here we see No.6's raft, not under sail, but being powered by an out-board motor and has it's very own lifeboat, somewhere off the Welsh coat. Also observe the gunrunners cruiser beached high and dry in the background.
   What happened to the raft at the end of filming during Many Happy Returns? Well it was lost somewhere out in the Irish Sea. It's loss was reported to the Coastguard at the time, as such a large craft could be a danger to shipping. The Coastguard created quite a fuss about this. As for the raft itself.......well there were never any further reports about it, the raft seems to have simply disappeared. Oh yes, it could have simply sunk beneath the waves in the Irish Sea. But the thing is, wood only sinks when it has become absolutely water logged!
    The real name of the Motor Cruiser used in both the Prisoner episodes Many Happy Returns and Checkmate, is Breda, and before that DAB II, and was one of the 'little boats' which took part in the evacuation of Dunkirk in WWII.

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