Tuesday 1 March 2011

Prismatic Reflection

A Rebel of Circumstance
    It can be clearly understood that before his act of resigning his job, the Prisoner well lets use his name shall we, seeing as no-one was permitted to do so in the actual series, John Drake, was a clear member of the establishment, and only rebels against circumstances that do not suit him - the village!
   He resigned as a matter of conscience, and principle. And what were his reasons? Who can say. Perhaps he had become disillusioned by some of the assignments he was ordered to take on, and the way he was used by others for their own purposes, not to mention having to clean up the mess left by others, doing their dirty work! But resigning ones job does not a rebel make. After all as No.2 once said If people can't chuck up a job things have come to a pretty pass.
   Drake worked for M9, that's British Military Intelligence, so it should really be MI9, but for the television series Danger Man they seemed to have dropped the 'I', perhaps they were men with little or no intelligence! Drake lived in a large house in the City of Westminster, London. He was well travelled, his work taking him all around the world on various assignments. And what's more he moved in some illustrious circles, and his intervetion in certain circumstances, have aided many governments around the world, especially in South America and Africa.
    Although his act of resignation, and subsequent abduction had taken the Prisoner out of his natural environment, his name, his very identity taken away from him. No.6 remained loyal to his ex-colleagues. Because on no fewer than three occasions, when No.6 had managed to escape the village, he always went running back to them. This despite those very ex-colleagues having had betrayed him for example, during The Chimes of Big Ben. So even in this circumstance No.6 is not a rebel, he is still loyal to those he once worked for, and with, despite his having resigned. No.6 only shows rebellion against the village for his captivity there, and attempts to escape, to mess with the system from within. But these are ordinary acts of a trapped man. Who would not act as No.6, if we have the capability of strength, fortitude. Powers of navigation, and a number of other general abilities that No.6 appears to enjoy.
   The Prisoner resigned as a matter of principle. We all have principles which we are willing to put on the line as we forsake everything else. So what would make you resign? I resigned once, because of my health. Sadly I was not abducted to any village. I simply ended up at the local Job Centre, where I was thoroughly Pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed, and numbered!
Be seeing you

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