Wednesday 9 March 2011


 In the episode Schizoid, Un-Two goes into the Village Shop and asks the Shopkeer-37927 for a pack of cigarettes. The Shopkeeper tells the Un-Two that he does not sell cigarettes. But Un-Two presses the Shopkeeper, that surely he must sell some "under-the-counter" cigarettes. At which the Shopkeeper delves under his counter, as in the picture on the left, and produces a pack of 'Village cigarettes.
And here, Un-Two and 37927 enjoy an illicit cigarette together.    Of course the Un-Two must never tell anyone
about buying the illicit cigarettes at the Village Shop.
   Now it is a curious thing, but here in Great Britain, from April 2012, it will be illegal to display cigarettes. Which means cigarettes will have to be sold under-the-counter, as in The Village!
   In it's time, Patrick McGoohan's the Prisoner could be said to have been a harbinger for predictions for the future. And so in McGoohan's footsteps follows THEPRISONER.

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