Tuesday 29 March 2011

Thought For The Day

     The Prisoner is a single man, a bachelor. So why does a single man need such a large house? For example, in 1988 No.3 Buckingham Place went up for sale. It had 4 Bedrooms - 2 Bathrooms - a Shower Room - Entance Hall - Drawing Room - Dining Room - Sitting Room - Study/Bedroom5 - Patio, and was up for sale at £725,000 . No.1 Bcukingham Place is a much larger house, than it's next door neighbour. So how on earth did the Prisoner afford to live there, and why?


  1. Hi, I'been in there once and it didn't seem to be so vast.
    BTW very interesting site of your!

    1. Hello Kloot,
      Good to hear from you, and thank you for taking time to comment. And thank you for your kind words about my blog.
      That's extremely interesting that you have been in that house. I know of someone who also went into that house years ago, but he was only permitted to go into the hallway and no further.
      I think the camera angles used for filming in 'the Prisoner' that makes the hallway seem larger than it is.
      Can I ask when you went into the house? I filmed outside No.1 Buckingham Place for my film 'Village Day' that was back in 1998, but I've never been inside.

      Very best regards

  2. I can't recall if it was in 2000 or maybe 2003, I know there was a kind of office there, something about... well i don't know.
    Some friends and me were there and one of my mate rang the doors and with a marble face claimed he was doing some researches for some University in Italy about the Prisoner so they let us in, through the hallway to the main office (where the living room was). That room was something like 6x5 meters with a fireplace on a wall on the right. We weren't permitted to take photos... unfortunately.

    1. Hello Kloot,
      Thank you for sharing how you gained access to No.1 Buckingham Place. Your friend took a chance with his story, but it worked! He must have impressed them, perhaps it was the continental connection which impressed them. As far as I am aware you and your friends are the only fans of 'the Prisoner' who have actually been into that room in the front of the house.
      Yes it would be an office, the ofice of 'Cleave and Company Ltd.' You certainly gained more access to No.1 Buckingham Place than the people I knew, but they were allowed to take photographs of the hallway. In fact I think its fair to say, you and your friends possibly got further into the house than Patrick McGoohan did, because when they filmed there, film must have been shot through the window, but the room in 'the Prisoner' was a film set.
      Unfortunately I can find little or no information about the filming at No.1. Buckingham Place.
      6x5 meters, that's small enough, but enough space for a study. What has always puzzled me is, why ZM73 should want to live in such a large house, of four storey's high, plus the basement rooms. I would have thought he would have been happier living in a flat. Or in a small house in a Chelsea Mews. Or perhaps the house went with his job!

      Vey kind regards

  3. You're such a great "gold mine" for Prisoner information!
    And yes, I too think his house went along with his job: an agent for secret services can't think about such frills!
    Thank you.
    (btw... I run an italian site about the prisoner... maybe you already know ilprigioniero.it, not trying to spam..)

    1. Hello Kloot,
      You are too kind I'm sure. I always try to provide as much information about 'the Prisoner' as I can, although I'm not always successful.
      No I was not aware of your site http://www.ilprigioniero.it/ but I am aware of it now. I like the moving wheels of the Penny Farthing. Unfortunately my Italian is non-existant, apart from a few words, so I am unable to fully appreciate your site. But it looks good.

      I look forward to talking to you again, either via comments, or if you wish by email at stimpyfor6@msn.com

      Very best regards
      Be seeing you
