Thursday 24 March 2011

What Was Number Six Listening For?

     I'm referring to No.6 in the General Store, as he listens to the first few bars of Bizet's L'arlesienne, the Davier recoding. And in that action, along with the qiestion of 'Security' made on the front page of The Tally Ho, No.6 was beginning to lay a flase trail for No.2 to follow. Which No.2 did so, by actually listening to all those six recordings of the Davier recordings. We know that, because we join No.2 in his office, just as he is coming to the end of the sixth record played. It would have taken him most of the morning! As well as the Shopkeeper being present for the duriation of that task. And that must have meant the General Store bing closed, and No.2 would have wasted all that time, and learned nothing. Hence the title of this piece, what was Number Six listening for? Well nothing, but No.6 did acheive his aim!
Be seeing you

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