Monday 4 April 2011

Do Not Forsake Me Oh My Darling

    The episode Do Not Forsake Me Oh My Darling is full of holes, and one other discrepancy I've not considered before is this. The Prisoner has been returned to London, apparently his memory wiped of all unpleaseant memories of the village, and he wakes up in the study of his own home, his memory wound back to the morning of his resignation. So if the Prisoner is set to resign his job, why then is he having lunch with Sir Charles Portland that day? And why does he subconciously think to himself "He's the boss!" if he is about to resign his job?
   And then when No.6 wakes up on that operating table, as Seltzman's mind escaping the village in the Colonel's body, he knows exacly where he is, having been rendered unconcious by nerve gas, and abducted back to the Village. His memory of the village miraculously returned to him!
Be seeing you


  1. There's no reason to believe his memory has returned; he only knows Seltzman is now in the other guy's body. I don't remember him making any specific remarks indicating he remembered anything.

    The lunch thing is actually a pretty good question; if they made him forget why he quit, that doesn't do a lot for them. The only semi-plausible answer is that he had already quit and was still having lunch with his fiance's father. The fact that he somehow has a fiance that's never been brought up before is the least plausible thing about this episode (yes, even less than the Futurama-esque mind swapping) but like you said, the entire episode has a lot of holes.

  2. Hello VanVelding,
    You are correct of course, there is no indication that No.6's memory has returned. But certainly No.6 is aware of what is/has happened. No.6 knew that Seltzman's mind was now housed in a body perhaps not to his liking - the Colonel. So how did no.6 know about the Colonel? After all they had never met in the Village.

    According to the original script for 'Do Not Forsake Me Oh My Darling' which was given the working title 'Face Unknown,' has the Prisoner waking up, in the Colonel's body on the morning of the day he was to have resigned. Perhaps that intention was also wiped from his mind, so that he wouldn't resign, but do what he would have done on that day, like having lunch with Sir Charles.
    It's a pity they messed about with the script for 'Do Not Forsake Me Oh My Darling,' they turned a reasonable script into an incomprehensible one!

