Wednesday 20 April 2011

Flapjack Charlie!

   "You didn't think I'd forgotten we used to call you Flapjack Charlie"
                                               {No.2 The Schizoid Man}

No.6 is conditioned to like Flapjacks, indeed they are his favourite dish. Except, except these are not Flapjacks, they are Pancakes, as is the dish served up to him in No.2's office in the Green Dome. Flapjacks are baked thick bisuit made from oats, syrup, and butter. These are Pancakes made from batter. Flapjack Charlie indeed, more like Pancake Bertie!                                       Be seeing you


  1. Regardless of whether they're flapjacks, pancakes, or omelets, they look delicious. It must be the lemon garnish. Anyway, I first saw this memorable episode in Austin, Texas, June 1968 in the television lobby of an off-campus apartment house for university students. Normally on Saturday nights, most of us young adults had other pursuits aside from watching TV, but that summer the "The Prisoner" collected a very loyal league of fans each Saturday night, from 6:30 to 7:30. And so what if Austin boasted only 2 TV stations in 1968? With "The Prisoner" on Channel 7 and "Star Trek" on Channel 42, who needed cable?

    1. Hello Mister Gillen,
      Thank you for sharing that, as I always enjoy reading how enthusiasts for the Prisoner first watched the series.
      I don’t suppose it makes any difference whether they are pancakes of flapjacks, certainly Flapjack Charlie has a ring to it.
      I first watched the Prisoner on part of ITV’s television Network back in 1967, after that it wasn’t until 1976 when I was able to watch the series again, and after that whenever I could. I think I appreciated the Prisoner more back in those days, because there was the anticipation of watching the Prisoner again. Today the series is all too available by so many different means, and people don’t have that experience, that we had.
