Tuesday 19 April 2011

It's Inexplicable!

In Arrival the Prisoner undergoes a medical, a check-up really after his encounter with the village guardian, after all the side effects can be pretty nasty, and the medical was for the Prisoner's own good. So having carried out a medical, in which the old 'Quack' only listens to the Prisoner's heart, he then types using an old adding machine. After which he stands by at a computer, presumably waiting for the result of his medical diagnosis.
The computer then ejects a computer print-out card, which the doctor seems to be able to read, and finally he pronounces the Prisoner to be............
Absolutely fit! He then informs the Prisoner, who asks about his clothes, that they have been burnt, which is a lie, because we soon observe a patient in the Arversion Therapy Room is wearing the Prisoner's own suit of clothes! Also, the doctor doesn't wear a numbered badge, an oversight on the part of wardrobe I should imagine. Be seeing you.

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