Sunday 24 April 2011

This Week I Am Mostly Watching

The episode of Darling, in which Micheal falls in love with Lucy in New York, and Six fall in love with 415 in the Village. The name and number may be different, but the woman is the same, Lucy having been brought to the Village by Two to break Six's heart. But there is irony too, the irony of using pigs in the village! Holes begin to appear in the Village, holes which Two describes as a nothing. They are oblivion, and beyond all hope. So pigs are brought into the Village their breath to be employed to help stabilize the atmosphere. But pigs ruttle about, they nuzzle into the ground and dig holes, so there is the irony. What's more, 313 is in love with Six, and 11-12 takes three pills to the clinic, of the type Two gives to his wife M2, and asks 313 to have the pills analyzed. There is a moment in THEPRISONER which mirrors one in the original series. The woman behind the Dating Agency in the Village talks to Six through his television set. Six punches the television and the screen goes blank. Moments later that same woman is standing at the door of Six's apartment, just like No.2 in Free For All. Be seeing you                                                                                                        

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