Tuesday 3 May 2011

School Days

    Those were the days, the days that are gone. The faces forgotten, the memories linger on.......Southminster.

Headmaster "Tell me boy."
Pupil "Tell you what Sir?"
 "Why, did you resign?"
 "From what Sir?"
 "You know very well what I mean boy....why did you resign?"
 "I can't tell you that."
 "Was it secret?"
 "Secret Sir?"
 "Look, I asked you a plain and simple question, which demands a plain and simple answer. Why did you resign?"
 "Questions are a burden Sir....."
 "Not if you have the right answers they're not boy!"
 "Don't you shout at me boy!"
 "Well take your paws off me lapels then!"
 Are you going to tell me why you resigned?"
 "I can't Sir."
"Can't, why not?"
"Well I haven't done anything yet Sir. I haven't even left school yet!"
"Well leave school boy, and tell me why.......... you resigned."
"Can't you wait Sir?"
"Wait? Wait for what?"
"About twenty-two years."
"Twenty-two years, what are you babbling about boy?"
"Well now I've left school, I'll have to find myself a job."
"From which you resign."
"Well I haven't got the job yet Sir."
"What job?"
"I don't know Sir. I'm good at figures though. Perhaps I'll become an accountant, or get a job in a bank."
"Good idea boy. Go and see the managing director."
"At the Black Horse Sir?"
"No boy not in the pub, the bloody Bank!"

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