Tuesday 7 June 2011

60 Second Interview With A Civil Servant

No.113 'So, you're the man to whom the Prisoner handed his letter of resignation to.'
Civil Servant 'Who?'
'The Prisoner, ah, but then you would know him better as ZM73.'
'Oh, him!'
'You didn't like him?'
'Well I ask you......He came storming into my office, my office, and starting mouthing off at me. What had it got to do with me. Look who are you?'
'Me? Oh I'm not important. Had he got a lot to say for himself?'
'Oh he ranted on for a few minutes. Then slammed that letter on my desk along with his fist, upsetting my teacup in the process!'
No.113b 'Smile' {click goes the camera}
'Who's he?'
'Oh don't worry about him, he's with me. I don't suppose you can remember what ZM73 was ranting on about?'
'Look how did you get in here?'
'By using the door.'
'No, I mean how did you know about this office?'
'The Colonel. Angry was he, in a fit of temper?'
'Who, the Colonel?'
'No, ZM 73.'
'Oh him, bloody furious he was. Said what Sir Charles could do with his job!'
'Sir Charles?'
'Sir Charles Portland.'
'Of the Foreign Office?'
'Did you open ZM73's letter?'
'Why not?'
'It wasn't anything to do with me. And besides it wasn't my place. So I handed the letter on.'
'Who did you hand the letter on to?'
'The Colonel.'
'And he opened the letter.'
'No, he handed it on to Sir Charles Portland.'
'And he opened the letter.'
'I persume so.'
'You don't know?'
'I wasn't present at the time. Look I think you had better go.' {The Civil Servant's hand reaching for the panic button under the desk}.
'Just one more question. Where is Jonathan Peregrine Danvers?'
'In the Typing Pool.'
'Ah. It's just that, oh never mind it's probably not important.'
'What about Danvers?'
'It's just that............You're not thinking of resigning yourself are you?'
{It was at this point the panic button was pressed, and almost instantly two burly set men suddenly appeared through the double door and I with Number one-one-three b were ejected unceremoniously from the office}.

Reporter No.113
Photographer No.113b

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