Saturday 25 June 2011

Caught On Camera

    Old Paddy boy looks as though he forgotten something - just realised something, or something!
    What's going on up there, in that noddle of his? Because judging by the look on his face, something's just dawned on him, going round in his head. 

   What's more here is No.6 with No.2 down on the beach during one evening of Dance of the Dead, when No.2 calls No.6 Mister Tuxedo. Why does No.2 call him that, when he's wearing his own lounge suit {which had been specially delived for the occasion of the Ball} and not a tuxedo {dinner jacket}? Perhaps the original script called for No.6 to be wearing a tuxedo, but in the actual scene No.6 wore his own suit! Be seeing you

   Dance of the Dead sees that someone has chosen a costume for No.6, they do that you see, it's a game. He thought it might be something exotic, but as No.6 quickly discovers, it is his own suit which has been delivered especially for the occasion!    Be seeing you.


  1. Looks tuxedo from this distance

  2. Hello Mister Anonymous,

    Nice to be hearing from you again.
    You will pleased to observe the AMENDED piece to this blog article, when No.6 has had his own suit specially delivered for the ocassion of the Ball in the Town Hall 'Dance of the Dead' - his own suit, the same suit which the prisoner was wearing when he resigned his job, and on the morning of his arrival in the Village. Now, if that jacket is a tuzedo {dinner} jacket, the Prisoner was very well dressed for work, as who goes to work wearing a Tuxedo? Apart from someone of importance working in a high class restaurant. A tuxedo has shinny lapels, the Prisoners jacket doesn't.

    I know that when the Prisoner in 'Arrival' asked about his old clothes when told he'd beeen given new ones, the doctor said they had been burned. But obviously, for some reason unknown, the doctor was lying!

    As it happens, I've had this discussion before, not here though, with a chap before, from France. He also thought No.6's jacket is a tuxedo!


  3. I'm confused. I took you to mean that Peter Pan was wrong to call him Mr. Tuxedo on the beach? If so, I don't understand what you are driving at? Number Six is certainly sporting an evening suit with bow-tie on the sand, as my photo clearly demonstrates.

    I have looked up "tuxedo" and notice that it specifies shiny lapels, which perhaps are not present... I'd have to watch again..... but it seems an arcane point to me. I would feel it perfectly reasonable for Peter Pan to have used that term on their meeting on the shore.

    But perhaps you are getting at something else entirely.

  4. Hello Mister Anonymous,
    I must not have made myself plain. All I was doing was suggesting that it was wrong for No.2 to call No.6 Mister Tuxedeo, when he's not actually wearing one. It is his own suit, which he wears in 'Arrival.' It is a trivial point, perhaps the original script called for No.6 to be wearing a Tuxedo {dinner jacket}, but was omitted in the transmitted episode. And I should think that's all the mystery there is to it.

    In 1994 my wife purchased for me, an identical suit to that worn by Patrick McGoohan in both certain episodes of 'Danger Man' and 'the Prisoner.' It is a lounge suit, the jacket which I still have to this day, and still wear with a black pair of jeans, very trendy!
    Morag and I attended the 25th anniversary event for 'the Prisoner' in London, and on display were clothes worn by Patrick McGoohan, and that included his suit, to which the one I was wearing was identical. I was even allowed to wear the jacket of McGoohan's suit, and it fitted me perfectly.
    And the point is, my suit wasn't an evening suit, and neither was the Prisoner's. As I say, it is a trivial point, but perhaps there is nothing more important than trivialities! Like when in 'Arrival' No.6 is making his way past 'Rover' to get to the helicopter. The film of 'Rover' is being played backwards.....the smoke coming from the chimmneys of Portmeirion's hotel, seen in the background, going back into the chimmneys! That is an amusing triviality. Or during the fight between No.6 and two thugs during 'B' of 'A B & C,' McGoohan actually splits his trousers! And the fact of the matter is, that 'The Schizoid Man' would have been a better episode, had they kept both No.6's wearing the same dark blazer, instead of making it easier for the television viewers at the time to tell the difference between No.6 and Curtis, by giving him a cream blazer with black piping! trivial indeed, but they all go to help make 'the Prisoner' what it is. And what is it? Well it is what it is, depending on how you look at it.


  5. So what you are saying is that it looks like a tuxedo, especially because of the way Number Six wears it, with dress shirt and cuffs and a bow-tie...... but strictly speaking, from a tailoring point of view it wasn't a *Tuxedo* ? It just looks like one.......

    A point lost on not only me....

    How wearingly pedantic.

  6. Hello Mister Anonymous,
    Yes, that's right. It was an ordinary lounge suit, which was dressed up or down for any occasion. Perhaps The Prisoner only had one suit!


  7. The trivia about the suit seems fair observation, but the original blog statement about somehow there being a script accident when Peter Pan calls the guy "Mr. Tuxedo" seems off-kilter to me.

    @Why does No.2 call him that, when he's wearing his own lounge suit {which had been specially delived for the occasion of the Ball} and not a tuxedo {dinner jacket}?@

    I think, in the context of that scene, the line is perfectly reasonable and in no way a mistake. It does look like a tuxedo and like the poet says, If it looks like a tuxedo and acts like a tuxedo then it probably is a goddam tuxedo.... [even when it isn't].......

    I can see how such questions become a burden.
    Have a nice day!

  8. Hello Mister Anonymous,
    Yes, that's right, I did wonder if the original script called for No.6 to actually be wearing a Tuxedo, but was dropped for the actual filmed episode. Because scripts are written, edited, scenes sropped, things altered for the actual episode, that's all.

    Yes, Questions can become a burden, to others. While answers make a prison for oneself!!


  9. First of all I would like to say excellent blog! I had a quick question which I'd like to ask
    if you don't mind. I was interested to know how you center yourself and clear your head
    before writing. I have had a difficult time clearing my thoughts in
    getting my thoughts out. I do take pleasure in writing however it just seems like the
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    to figure out how to begin. Any ideas or hints?

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    1. Hello Anonymous,
      Sorry for not replying sooner, your comment was spammed for some reason, I don't know why. I've just un-spammed it.
      Thank you for your kind words regarding my blog, they are very much appreciated. To answer your question, I never clear my mind before setting out to write something. Possibly because I know what I'm going to write before hand. Unless of course inspiration deserts me, as it does from time to time. Sometimes it's good to write ones initial thoughts down on paper first, then throw them away and start again. That can generally work.

      Very kind regards
