Sunday 19 June 2011

The Dark And Brooding Character of .....The Kid!

   The Kid's character has something in common with the Butler, in that neither is heard to utter one single syllable!
    The Kid is a brooding, psychotic killer, yet sensitive. But what led to his silence of never speaking? Perhaps he witnessed some traumatic event, his parents killed by marauding American Indians perhaps. His father killed, his mother raped and then killed. Or not killed but carried off by the said Indians, forced to live as a wife to the Chief of the tribe. And the Kid .....................left for dead.
   So the Kid grew up, survived as best he could, and eventually turned killer. It is said that the clothes worn by the Kid, are the clothes of his various victims.
   Of course we should not confuse the Kid with No.8 who plays the role of the Kid, or should we? No.8 is able to speak, so too the Butler. And No.8 is much like his character the Kid, a sensitive soul, despite his outburst against No.2.
   So if No.1 is the alter-ego of No.6, is the Kid the alter-ego of No.8? They both turn out to have a dark, psychotic side to their nature, with a jealous paranoia, and a temper which he finds difficult to control. And they, the Kid and No.8 both strangle No.22 to death in the Silver Dollar Saloon. The Kid faces up to No.6 {the Man With No Name} but No.8 cannot face up to the Judge/No.2, and commits suicide.  I wonder what the Butlers alter-ego would be like?   Be seeing you

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