Saturday 4 June 2011

Perchance To Dream

    There are those who are of the opinion that the events played out within the Prisoner are nothing more than a dream, played out in the subconcious mind of the Prisoner-No.6. That may be true, certainly at times the Prisoner could be described as a living nightmare!
   So, if No.6 is playing out a dream, and everything and everyone, including the Village, has been created in the subconscious mind of No.6. And that might be right when it comes to the episode of the Dance of the Dead, when No.2 tells No.6 that if he insists on living a dream, he may be taken for mad. To which No.6 replies I like my dream! But which is the dream? The Village, or the outside world which No.2 tells No.6 only dreams about? {That smacks of the 2009 series of THEPRISONER if you ask me}. In the same episode, No.6 is sentenced to death. A death sentence which is strangely not carried out, which would tally with the fact that you cannot die in a dream, you always wake up from your dream just in time.
   With the end of Fall Out being the beginning of Arrival, I soon arrived at the conclusion that the Prisoner is nothing more than a vicious circle, in which No.6 lives out his actions in the Prisoner, time and time again, like a reccuring dream.  Be seeing you

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