Thursday 2 June 2011

You Have Just Been Poisoned!

  In The Girl Who Was Death, was Mister X's pint of beer actually poisoned or not?
    Whether or not it was, the effect is the same, Mister X downing a cocktail of drinks of Whisky, Vodka, Drambuie, Tia Maria, Cointreau, and Grand marnier. After which Mister X he's for the Gents, and is pyhsically sick, to clear the contents of his stomach.
  If the pint of Mild beer was poisoned, then the barmaid Doris was in the pay of the Girl who was death, for it was Doris who poured Mister X his drink. If not, then at the very least it was she who put the sticker on the bottom of the glass You have just been Poisoned. The placing of the sticker on the bottom of the glass could have been explained away as a jolly jape by the Girl......well it wasn't very jolly for Mister X!!!  Be seeing you

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