Saturday 23 July 2011

60 Second Interview With The Kid

Reporter 'Hello Kid. The Judge reckons you're the fastest he's ever seen on the draw.'
The Kid......................................
'Not so fast with you're fists though eh Kid?'
Photographer 'Smile Kid' {click goes the camera}
'You're the Judges favourite, not one of the boys.'
The Kid simply sits in his chair staring ahead with a kind of funny look in his eye.
'Don't say too much do you Kid. They tell me you're soft on Cathy, would you say that Kid, would you?'
'Well maybe you wouldn't. You're the strong silent type eh Kid?'
'The Judge aint gonna hit me no more!'
'What's that Kid?'
The Kid looks sheepish, as though he's said too much!
'Thought you said something there Kid. Look, why don't you tell our readers something about yourself Kid?'
'Not much to tell eh Kid! They say you killed your first man at fourteen, that right Kid?'
The Kid shuffles in his seat.
'They do say that the clothes you wear are taken from the men you've killed, that right Kid?'
'What about your parents, they still alive?'
{The Kid puts his hand to his pacemaker, I mean Colt 45 Peacemaker and was about to draw on me.}
'Hey Kid, no need to get all riled up like that. Why not tell the readers where you come from.'
{The Kid takes his hand away from his gun.}
'Were you born here in Harmony?'
{The Kid pours himself a drink.}
'I see, you kinda drfited in. You like the Judge Kid?
The Kid take a drink and refills the glass 'The Judge ain't gonna hit me no more!'
'That's twice you've said that Kid. The Judge hits you, why does he do that?'
The Judge 'Because the Kid's temperamental. He's fast on the draw, sensitive maybe, but he's one of the best.'
{I wrote down homicidal maniac!   The pair of doors to the Silver Dollar Saloon still swinging after the Judges entrance.}
'I think that's all for now Kid. Go over to the Jailhouse and keep an eye on Johnson. Cathy will be over later to see her brother. Don't you look at me like that Kid. There'll be another Prisoner here for you to look after. If you behave yourself, I may let you kill him.'
{The Kid swallowed two fingers of red eye. Stood up, picked up his top hat, put in on his head and walked slowly and deliberately out of the Saloon.}
'He's mean. Now, lets be about a hand or two of Poker, I'll deal.'

Reporter No.113
Photographer No.113b

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