Tuesday 5 July 2011

60 Second Interview With No.36

    No.113 'Martha isn't it?'
    No.36 'I'm just trying to buy some sweets.'
    {Kiosk holder} 'Yes, but her weeks credit allowance has been all used up. So I've told her to come back tomorrow.'
    No.36 'But I can't go a whole day wirhout my sweets!'
    'Got a sweet tooth have you Martha?'
    No.113b 'Smile.' {click goes the camera}
    'Why do you keep calling me that?'
    'Because its your name, and no fault of yours that you've been left high and dry here in the Village.'
    'I gave that woman the best years of my life. Worked my fingers to the bone. Cooked, scrubbed, cleaned, and dusted......'
    'Still gnaws does it?'
    'Look, if you don't mind........'
    'At least your previous profession found you of value here.'
    'You mean I still work as a maid!'
    'An honourable profession.'
    'That No.6 is insufferable!'
'You don't like him?'
'Does anyone?'
'I don't know. I've never really thought to ask anyone.'
'If my mistress had not become involved with that man!'
'I beg your pardon, involved?'
'All she had to do was turn him away from the door, not invite him in for afternoon tea!'
'I expect she thought she was doing him a good turn. But then, you wouldn't be here now.'
'Look, if you gave me a bag of sweets now, could I pay you tomorrow?'
Kiosk Holder 'Look lady, if I traded like that, I'd soon be out of business. Come back tomorrow, and I'll sell you all the sweets you like. Yes Sir, what can I get you?'
'A bag of candy for the lady.'
Kiosk Holder 'Certianly Sir.'
No.113 'You really are a soft touch for a damsel in distress Number Six!'
No.6 'I feel sorry for her that's all. And these, a copy of the newspaper, and a bar of soap.'
   {As Number one-one-three b and myself left Martha-No.36 munching her way through her bag of sweets. It did occur to me that not her fiestiness had not yet been knocked out of her, not the way she was fighting to get a bag of sweets!}

Reporter No.113
Photographer No.113b

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