Sunday 3 July 2011

Caught On Camera

    The strangest things can happen in the Village.......... Having woken up in what the Prisoner thinks to be his own home, but finding that he's not in London, he goes out into the Village. At first there seems to be no-one about. But then he looks up to see a man leaning out of an open window of the Bell Tower.
   Quickly the Prisoner dashes round to the other side of the Bell Tower where he finds a door, and quickly climbs the Bell Tower, to find the man has gone, and a statue in his place!
   The picture on the left is of the Prisoners cottage '6 Private.' You will obeserve the arch and the plain hardboard with a sign stuck to it. The sign appertains to filming being carried out in Portmeirion, that being the production of the Prisoner. Which is fair enough, there's nothing strange about that.
   However, after seeing a maid standing on the balcony of his cottage flapping a yellow duster, the Prisoner quickly dashes round to intercept the maid in his cottage, but shes gone, running down the path the Prisoner has just taken. How is it possible for the Prisoner not to have encountered the maid on his way round to the cottage's front door? Surley he would have passed the girl along the path, but he didn't. Unless the cottage has a secret entrance by which the maid left, that's not very likely. She could have been hiding behind something outside, and as the Prisoner passed by, she dodged out the other way, now that's plausable. Here is another picture, showing the Prisoner on his way round his cottage to intercept the maid.
   Now how do you figure this one? The hardboard with a poster stuck to it has gone, replaced with a pair of French doors. But this is not so long since the Prisoner's arrival in the Village, just a few minutes since the first picture was taken. My god, they work fast in the Village, to install a pair of French doors so quickly!!!!  No, not really, no-one can work that fast. It must be that there was a difference in time in filming different parts of the opening scenes in the Village.
  But here's something else....from outside '6 Private' we see a pair of French doors. But when inside the cottage, there is absolutley no sign of the French doors!    I'll be seeing you.

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