Tuesday 5 July 2011

Caught On Camera

They probably thought that no-one would notice! The above picture was taken during The Chimes of Big Ben, and as you can observe No.6 is standing on top of the stone Bandstand, looking out over the Village.
Here is an enlargement of No.6 on the Bandstand, and there is no doubt that it is he. Now ordinarily this would not pose any kind of puzzle at all..........save for the fact that just moments, seconds, after seeing No.6 on the Bandstand, he is also observed leaving the Green Dome. Having taken tea with No.2, and watching Nadia Rakovski waking up in what she thought to have been her own home. No doubt No.6 was reminded of his first day in the Village!
Now in reality when we see No.6 standing on top of the Bandstand, in the top picture, it is certainly stock film footage which has been used, and that they probably though that no-one would notice. However, in my over active imagination........it's not No.6 standing on the Bandstand, it's No.1, stretching his legs out and about in the Village. Well, look at it this way - No.6 cannot be in No.2's office, while also standing on top of the Banstand. So one of them has to be No.1, or................................................................... Curtis!

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