Monday 11 July 2011

Everyone Having A Good Time Outside!

 Well everyone outside is supposed to be having a good time outside. But that doesn't appear to be the case to me, all at the Carnival, look at their expressionless faces.
   Just look upon some of the faces, are they cheering? Do they look happy? No, in fact the cheering we hear is piped through the Village public address system!

     It is all put on, all for show, like everything in the Village is it another manipulation of the people. I doubt even the Brass band are playing, only the thump, thump, thump of the big bass drum beating out a rythm.
   As for the citizens, they parade around the central Piazza, and down the steps to the lawn, waving their coloured flags. Originally the script called for the flags of all nations. But in the end they settle for plain coloured flags. I mean to say, what would citizens of the Village be waving National flags for?

  No, the Carnival is simply another manufatured activity. It is meaningless, and besides which I'm sure that not all the citizens of the Village attended the Carnival, certainly No.6 hardly got into the spirit of the ocasion! But then he's the only one in the Village who is still himself!

    Look at them. It reminds me of some scene in Venitian Carnival of the 18th or 19th century, save for the lack of smiling, happy faces.
   It would seem that it is not just the members of the Town Council who are the branwashed imbiciles!

Be seeing you, just not at the Carnival!

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