Wednesday 6 July 2011

A Favourite Character

   This particular No.2 is something of a statesman, as he maneouvres No.6 through the whole election period. He is an expert manipulator, but knows just how far he can go with No.6, that the tissue mustn't be damaged!
   He also has something of an individualistic nature, and displays this by not wearing the regular single or double breasted blazer. But a beige coloured jacket, which actually has cuffs at the end of the sleeves, which is something unusual in itself.
   It would also appear that this No.2 likes to be 'hands on' in flying the helicopter himself which is in hot pursuit of No.6 trying to escape in the Jet boat. Also No.2 demonstrates that the 'L' shaped cordless telephones can be used from anywhere, and that is important when concidering one particular scene in Free For All. You will recall how No.6 in his cottage receives a telephone call from no.2, yet through his television set {the first video phone perhaps}. Then moments after hanging up, No.2 is at the door of No.6's cottage! Fans of the Prisoner have often wondered how it is possible for No.2 to have got to the front door of No.6's cottage so quickly from the Green Dome? Well No.2 need not actually be in his office when he was appearing on the television screen, in fact he was in the Control Room, you can see part of the World map on the domed wall behind him. But then again, was he? All that would be needed would be a replica of part of the wall of the Control Room which No.2 could stand in front of and be filmed live on camera for his appearance on No.6's television screen, and that could have been filmed just round the corner from No.6's cottage, and would explain how No.2 arrived at the door so quickly. Rememeber what No.2 said 'They are....... damned clever!'     Be seeing you.

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