Saturday 16 July 2011

A Favourite Character

    This No.2 is no chief inquisitor, and is not so 'hands on' when it comes to dealing with No.6. He is more than happy to allow any inquisition of No.6 to be left in the capable hands of the doctor-No.22, who would have delighted in the prospect of finding No.6's breaking point!
   No, this No.2 is more of an Administrator, happy to oversee things, but not actually get his own hands dirty, who delegates, trusting in those about him. And anything he doesn't understand, he is happy to listen as a subject, or operation is explained to him.
   He works quietly, and at times he doesn't want to be disturbed, but his office door is always open should he be needed at any time.
   This No.2 is another who sees No.6 to be far too important to allow anything to happen to him, and dismisses the doctors suggestion of carrying out a Lukeotomy on No.6, to knock out the aggressive centres of the brain.
   I like the way No.2 is dressed in a Judo outfit, sitting on the floor with legs crossed. Indeed concentration, before...........kah! He breaks a length of wood with the edge of his hand, Karate chop fashion.......did I say wood?.....Light balsa wood would be more like it!   Be seeing you.

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