Tuesday 12 July 2011

Never Mind No.1 - Who Is No.2?

    We have all asked who is No.1 at one time or another, but have you ever wondered who No.2 might be? Well they could be anyone, they might be symbolic of the different persona to No.2's character.
   Take No.2 here, whom we meet in Arrival, he could be anyone, although I have looked upon this No.2 as being Colonel Ross formerly of Millitary Intelligence, and immediate superior of Harry Palmer in the films The Ipcress File, Funeral In Berlin, and Billion Dollar Brain, Colonel Ross played of course by Guy Doleman.
   Of course there is absolutely no link between this No.2 and Colonel Ross, but he would have made an excellent recruit for the Village. Besides No.2 has to be recruited from somewhere, to be brought to the Village, and placed as Chairman of the Village.     BCNU

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