Thursday 7 July 2011

Postcard From The Village

        It has been said that the Prisoner and Portmeirion compliment each other superbly, and that may very well be the case, infact I've said much the same myself, but just as long as you don't look too closely! There was a time when Portmeirion look decidedly tatty and worn, with flaking paint and all. But then that was partly right. Because the idea was to have Portmeirion look as though it was actually lived in.
    Clough Williams-Ellis did a wonderful job in creating Portmeirion, but when the job was done, it was done, and that after care and general maintenance of each building was not high on his list. Because Portmeirion has had a long period when certain buildings have had to be completely gutted, even demolished, and rebuilt. such was the poor quality of the original construction!

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