Friday 1 July 2011

Prison Is A State Of Mind

     I was reminded by a line in the 1955 film The Sea Chase starring John Wayne as Captain Karl Ehrlich a Captain of a German freighter during WWII, and Lana Turner as Elsa Keller a German Intelligence agent, who is a passenger aboard the freighter. Captain Ehrlich keeps Keller confined to her cabin for periods of time, or to the 'well deck' at least. This so that her female presence doesn't sexually excite the crew. To this Kell replies 'Prison is a state of mind.'
    Well I have wondered what state of mind Patrick McGoohan's was in whilst he was working on the Prisoner, if the Village is as it is said to be, 'Not a materialistic place, but symbolises the prison that is man's own mind.' I used to prefer the materialistic form of the Village, that is until the 2009 series of  THEPRIS6NER came along. Now I can appreciate more, the Village in the subconscious mind, where I couldn't with the original series.  Be seeing you.

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