Wednesday 13 July 2011



  1. You should know about questions, burden to others... Especially to Bill Gallagher.

  2. Hello n6de,

    Yes indeed. And there are a few questions I'd like to put to Bill Gallagher, and speak generally to him about THEPRIS6NER.


  3. David, you may want to read my view on the "reinterpretation", if you haven't. I understand you kind of like(d) it. One could, of course, add one or two more things now.

  4. Hello nr6de,
    No, I haven't read your view on the reinterpretation, nay reinvention of THEPRIS6NER. However I did log onto your site, and took a brief look yesterday, and it looks really good, far better than the average agricultural stuff they are used to in the Village. I'll take a better look, and read when I've more spare time on my hands.

    Yes, I have an appreciation for the 2009 series of THEPRIS6NER, that's perhaps because I was not expecting a direct remake of the original series, unlike many of my contemporaries. One of whom watched only half an hour of the first episode before switching off and condemning the whole series on that single half hour. Also a friend of mine took against the 2009 series simply on the grounds that it was not filmed in Portmeirion....I make no comment about that. But really the 2009 series of THEPRIS6NER is not so very different from the original, as it does contain several ideas and aspects of the original, simply reinvented and reinterpreted. I have watched the 2009 series four times now, and still enjoyed it as much as the second time. Because it took two screenings of each episode before I began to get a handle on it, so much was happening, and those flashbacks......well I first took the scene with Michael living in New York as flashbacks the first time, until I realised they were nothing of the kind, but Michael living two existances at the same time, as indeed are Lucy, Two and M2, and anyone who is brought to the Village.
    But enough, otherwise I'll be going on about it all day.

