Wednesday 6 July 2011

Thought For The Day

    After watching The Chimes of Big Ben a few evenings ago, I have often been wondering just who the woman is, whom Patrick McGoohan has his arm round in the evening scene between No.6 and Nadia-No.8, because if one thing is certain, she is most definately not Nadia Gray! In that cosy little scene, we never once see Nadia Gray's face, only the back of her head with her face buried in McGoohan's shoulder, except when Patrick McGoohan no longer has his arm round the woman. The question of the woman's identity was put to camerman Jack Lowen, indeed was it Mrs McGoohan? He said he could not remember seeing Mrs McGoohan on set at any time.
   So who is the mysterious women? Possibly she might have been McGoohan's eldest daughter, who would have been 17 at the time. Whoever it is, her face is kept from the camera, and Patrick McGoohan seems very much at home with her.  And I wonder how Nadia Gray felt about it? Having been asked to appear in an episode of the Prisoner, then being replaced by another woman for the intimate evening scene during The Chimes of Big Ben just before curfew. Not only that, but Nadia Gray was expected to do the voice over for the scene! Sometimes I think Patrick McGoohan carried his moral stance on not kisisng or getting close to women on camera just a bit too far. What would have been wrong with having his arm round Nadia Gray for the scene?  Be seeing you.

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