Wednesday 13 July 2011

Thought For The Day

    Town Council? Was the Prisoner a member? He could have been, it's democratically elected once a year. Democratically? That's what they say.  Such is the drift of part of the conversation between the Prisoner and his ex-colleagues of the Colonel and Thorpe.
    The Prisoner could have been a member of the Town Council? Has he forgottten his experience of Free For All? After all as part of his role as the new No.2, No.6 was Chairman of the Town Council, if only for such a brief time! Otherwise to become a member of the Town Council would have meant him becoming one of those brainwashed imbiciles as he described that time.   But at least by the time of Many Happy Returns, the viewer knows that the Prisoner had not been in the Village a year, because he had witnessed from within, only one election - if we can believe anything we are told about the Village in the first place. Be seeing you.

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