Thursday 7 July 2011

What We All Want Ultimately.......To Escape!

     On the whole one would think that there would not be too many people who were allowed to leave the Village. But those who were, like Cobb and Nadia Rakovski {if that was indeed her real name} who as trustees, were guaranteed not to talk to anyone about the Village. No.2 of The Chimes of Big Ben was also allowed to leave the Village, because he was brought back to the Village for Once Upon A Time. And the same can be said of No.2 in A B & C, brought back to the Village to oversee the educational experiment of Speedlearn. In fact any No.2 was trustworthy enough to leave the Village, save two. One would be No.2 of Hammer Into Anvil, who had become a weak link in the chain of command, and who in all probability, spent the rest of his life in the psychiatric wing of the hospital in the Village. But of course that is but a personal opinion. The other No.2 not to leave the Village, would have been the retiring No.2 of It's Your Funeral. the assassination/execution plot having failed, No.2 would possibly spend his retirement in the Old People's Home. Well the helicopter the retiring No.2 was leaving in, did turn back towards the Village, much to the surprise of the new No.2! But again, that is but my own opinion you understand. And to some extent, and this might be stretching a point, but No.6 was allowed to leave the Village twice before being brought back, Many Happy Returns being one case, and Do Not forsake Me Oh My Darling being the other. Of course I have the theory that the reason why No.6 resigned, was brought about by the events of Fall Out, and having left the Village, No.6 returns to London, resigns his job, and is duly abducted and brought back to the Village!!!!
    But there is another way to leave the Village, and that is through death! Cobb was supposed to have committed suicide, while No.73 did. The former No.8 had vacated his cottage, but there was no funeral, but as in No.8's case there was no body! The Rook recognised the fact that death is an escape. He told No.6 that one day he would die and beat them all. Perhaps death is the ultimate escape of all!   Be seeing you.

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