Saturday 2 July 2011

What's that No.6 Up To?

    Well I don't recall this little scene from The Chimes of Big Ben! Alright, No.6 is dressed in that blue anorak with white stripes, and he's wearing that chrome wrist watch, which he took from the chap in the cave on the Polish border. Nor do I recall No.6 smoking in the episode, a Senior Service cigarette was Patrick McGoohn's brand.
    But the question was, what's that No.6 up to? Well he's got a strip of 35mm film there, which he appears to be examining very closely, but what's he looking for? Perhaps he's trying to find out how it was done, that twelve hour journey to London. The time of the wrist watch tallied with the chimes of Big Ben alright, but there's one hours difference between Polish and London time! Sealed in a crate, first by road. Well where's the lorry carrying the crate? The cargo ship from Gadansk, with the crate being loaded aboard. I remember I could hear the ships engines, feel the sway of the ship, even within the confines of a crate in the hold of the ship. And the crate being loaded aboard a transport plane - by air from Danzig/Copenhagen, I can't see the bloody aircraft! How the devil did they do it?
    Well No.6, somehow I don't think it was done with mirrors. But I do know that during that supposed twelve hour journey, the Village was always closer than you might think!  Be seeing you

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