Wednesday 3 August 2011

Almost As Bad As Changing The Minds Of Two People!

  This is Professor Jacob Seltzman, as he appeared at the time of Do Not Forsake Me Oh My Darling, an Austrian Jew who had been experimenting with 'Mind Transference,' and had developed the 'Seltzman Machine.' One has to question is this the actual face of Professor Jacob Seltzman? I suppose that might depend on when the good professor began his research into mind transference, and when it was that the Professor first began conducting his experiments, perhaps conducting an experiment upon himself with another perhaps unwilling subject. And the question must then follow where did Seltzman carry out many of his early experiments, in a German concentration camp perhaps. If so, that would make Seltzman a war criminal! Is that what the Prisoner was doing, protecting an Austrian war criminal? Because it would appear that the Prisoner was the only person who knew where Seltzman was.
    You will recall No.2 explaining one possible use for the Seltzman machine, because you must be aware, at least that it was the case in the past, that all major powers had in their prisons one or two spies. That from time to time diplomatic swaps took place - imagine the power that would be gained, if the spies we returned had the mind of our choosing. We could break the security of any nation. It's no wonder that both sides wanted the Seltzman machine! The only trouble is, they don't have the reversal process....what reversal process might that be then? All that has to be done, is put the two chosen subjects who have undergone the mind transference process, through the original process a second time. Ah, but then this is the clever bit, Profesor Seltzman had actually progressed in his experiments further than anyone had imagined. He did successfully change the minds of three people at the same time. Back then Profesor Jacb Seltzman looked like this man, the Colonel.
Which does beg the question, is there some beneficial application to the Seltzman machine? If Seltzman looked like this man, the Colonel on the day he left the Village. Then Seltzman could have put himself through the process dozens of times by now, and now could look like........well anyone, just as long as his mind is active, he could go on and on...............well it's one form of immortality! And that is one benefit of the Seltzman machine and mind transference process. If say a persons active and alert minds inhabits a body which is crippled by an accidnet, or has some disability {and I'm not making fun here} then through the Seltzman machine could re-house a persons brain in a healthy body, but someone who is recently deceased through natural means, the brain needing to be kept alive. The only thing is, as No.6 is quick to point out, science can be perverted, as is the case with the Seltzman machine. But if perversion can be controlled and be re-directed, then Professor Seltzman and his mind transference process could be beneficial to mankind.
   So, do we know where Seltzman is? Do we know what he looks like today?     Be seeing you.

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