Monday 8 August 2011

I Could Hardly Believe it!

    This is a Canon Dial 35mm camera, as used by No.6 to take photographic evidence of the Village in the episode Many Happy Returns.
    I didn't tell you, did I? But last Friday Morag and I went shopping, and during that time we went round the stalls of the local market, and what do you think I found on one stall, I could hardly believe it, as I'd never seen one before. In fact Morag didn't know what I had found at first, yes you've guessed haven't you. A Canon Dial 35mm camera! The lady on the stall informed me that the camera was in perfect working order, and had been fitted with a brand new battery valued at £4. So how much was the stall holder asking for the camera - a mere £15!    I'll be seeing you

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