Sunday 21 August 2011

What's That No.6 Up To?

   Having made his way past the Village Guardian, with the aid of an Electro Pass device, No.6 may very well be attempting to escape by helicopter. But you can bet as with this event, like all life here in the Village, Pathe News has it covered! 'Smile Number Six, the world will be watching!'
    The only question is, who is it filming Pathe News filming an escape attempt by No.6.........look do I have to write this drivel?
   {Voice from the back} Yes, people out there the world over want to read about what's happening in the Village. Just get on with it!
    In a little over six weeks time, here in the Village, an Arts & Crafts Exhibition is to be held in the Recreation Hall, and Pathe News will be there to cover the event, just as they were earlier today, covering a Village funeral, that of Cobb who was laid to rest in the Village graveyard...........Look whose idea was it to have a graveyard down on the beach?
{Voice from the back} Its not our place to question, questions are a burden to others...............
Yes, especially when you can't find the answers! And Pathe News, who let them into the Village?
{Voice from the back} Its good PR!
Do you know I feel like Patrick McGoohan.
{Voice from the back} What, you mean dead!
No, like the way he went and told Lew Grade that he was lost, that he couldn't find an ending for the Prisoner, I can't find an ending for this piece of blog!
{Voice from the back} Well lets not 'fall out ' about it. To borrow one of Number Two's says, when in doubt, brew up! I think I'd like a cup of tea.
I'll be seeing you

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