Friday 16 September 2011

Collectors Corner

The above video box-set was released for the 30th anniversary of the Prisoner in a gold box, which was previously released for the 25th anniversary, but in a very flimsy box which fell to pieces. Also the videos were released as single videos, again for the 30th anniversary in the 1990's by Ploygram.
The following box set is yet another release of the Prisoner on video by VVL, also released in the late 1990's.
     VVL tried jazzing the Prisoner up this video with this rather garish box-set. Also they changed the Pris6ner wording, by changing the 'o' for a '6'. Something else about this box set, is that it was purchased in two parts. Two videos in a black box, and a further three were purchased in a separate box-set which slid into the black box so to complete the set. Also, with the second box there came a free set of Prisoner postcards, and a No.6 bottle opener, I've still got that bottle opener somewhere, probably in a box of Prisoner badges.  BCNU


  1. Hi-
    I haven't seen the colorful spine VHS set before; very bold. But it looks like the "e" was traded for a 6, not the "o".
    Thanks for all the fun paragraphs and pictures!

  2. Hello Mister 'A',

    We all make mistakes, sometimes we have to!

    I must have been thinking of THEPRIS6NER 2009, as it was AMCtv who switched the 'O' for the '6.'

    Have a good weekend


  3. That's Miss 'A' to you (Anna, in fact, but I won't call that another mistake on your part, haha)...I wonder if more Prisoner fans tend to be male?

  4. Hello 'A,'

    Am I playing No.2's game, or yours? People who hide are afraid, as No.6 once said.

    I suppose that the majority of fans of 'the Prisoner' are indeed male. Although I've known a few females who like to play the role of No.6, why might that be do you think?

